Get My Ex Girl Back

Did I Get My Ex Girl Back? - Why My Story Will Shock You and How After What Seemed To Be An Endless 4 Months of Pain and Despair, Including, Worry, Guilt, Begging, Pleading & Trying Almost Everything, I Finally Got My Ex-Girlfriend Back!

If You Want to Get Your Ex-Girl Back, I'm extremely relieved that you've found my blog because not only will my story shock you, it'll almost certainly save your relationship, your money as well as a lot of time and heartache. 

You're probably here because you're suffering badly from a relationship that looks like it failed and you're desperate to get your ex girl back ... I know how you feel, I felt the same way about 5 months back. It is an extremely painful period ... I remember not being able to sleep, eat and work well ... I so wanted to get my ex girl back ...

You see, a few months back, I was at a position similar to yours. Except that, unlike most people, I managed to get my ex girlfriend back. So keep the faith, there is hope … I'm now actually happier than ever and happily planning a wedding all thanks to a unique product called 'Magic of Making Up'.

Click Here To See It

Don’t get me wrong, it sure wasn't easy, to be honest I almost gave up … I was left gutted and just tried and depressed … it felt like a knife through the heart … there were many reasons she’d up and  left ... to say I was devastated would be a huge understatement. I dreaded getting up in a morning, hated going to work, I didn't want to eat, or do anything ... and the nights, I just couldn’t sleep, they were simply unbearable. After all, we’d been together for almost 3 years and I simply couldn't believe she’d gone ... I needed to get my ex girl back ...

I was at my lowest ebb, my entire life felt pointless … I was utterly desperate to get back together with her. Boy, did I make some major mistakes (as I found out later), for instance I kept trying to call her, sending her text messages, buying flowers and gifts, … man … I even was so stupid as to show up outside her house unannounced … all of which pushed her further away … I was never going to get my ex girl back like this ...

Click Here To Discover These Fatal Mistakes, How To Avoid Them and Get Your Ex Girl Back!

I Tried Almost Everything & Failed

I will tell you exactly why over a 4 month period I tried everything, but was forced to give up on my instincts, advice from friends and websites. I even tried to do the right things, and spent good money on so-called professional advice, but to no avail. I bought and tried The “Ex Squared System”, did Dr. George Karanastasis and his ““How To Get My Ex Girl Back For Good”, the “How To Get an Ex Girl Back in Thirty Days” and also Mirabelle Summers “2nd Chance - How To Win Back The Love Of Your Ex! ... But most importantly to you, I’ll show you how I finally managed to get my ex girlfriend back in just 3 weeks.

My name is Geoff Barnes and like so many men, I spent months desperately trying to get my ex girlfriend back.

I’d never broken up before with anyone that mattered, not since my casual teens. However, in April 2008, after having a good relationship with my girl Kim, it all went horribly wrong. She left … I never saw it coming, didn’t realize the mistakes I’d been making and even though this was the worse time of my life, I foolishly thought she’d come running back in a couple of days. Boy was I wrong … and I was sleeping less and less, not eating, not caring much about anything … 

The Inevitable Started To Happen.

I was prepared to do almost anything to get my ex girl back. I even acted pitifully in an attempt to gain her sympathy …to no avail. I talked to her family and friends and kept hassling them to help me. It’s really quite embarrassing looking back. Seemed like I’d lost the plot, I was out of control, acting out of character, desperate and didn't seem to have any self-respect or dignity left … 

My predicament started to worsen and probably due to lack of sleep, exercise and the poor quality of the food I was eating, After hoping for the best for a number of weeks, it became obvious that it she wasn’t just going to come running back. It semmed I needed a miracle to get my ex girl back ...

And that was the point when I realized I had to do something about it.

I Tried The “Ex Squared System”

At the time, the “Ex Squared System” seemed to be the hot 'thing'. It gave me a few pointers, it claimed to be an easy to follow step by step system for getting your ex girlfriend back.  I had some moderate success with it, in that I calmed down a little and realised all the manipulative steps I was considering taking in order to get my ex girl back were wrong and worst still counter productive. I learned these 7 common mistakes that men make:

1.         Acting depressed so your ex girlfriend will feel bad for you and want you back out of pity.

2.         Being overly nice and telling your girlfriend you love her over and over again

3.         Telling your girlfriend you will change and that things will be different next time

4.         Buying her gifts, flowers or anything of that nature

5.         Using phony, manipulative trickery such as money, kids and guilt to get your ex girl back

6.         Futilely trying to reason, argue and use logic to persuade your ex girlfriend to come back to you

7.         Doing absolutely nothing and shutting your ex girlfriend out of your life completely

Ok, so that wasn't exactly something to get too excited about, and I’d already found some of that out the hard way, but at least it was a start.

And any 'start' was good!

However, the solution just didn’t make sense in my situation, It’s OK to work on yourself for 30 days, but I was going nowhere fast and desperation was creeping in again. Eventually I realised I needed to find another solution …. There had to be a way to do something positive ... to get my ex girl back for good ... i needed Kim real bad ...

Then I followed the advice of Dr. George Karanastasis

I dived into his theory. I don't know why, but even with no expertise at all, I recognized that much of the material from this “Guru” didn’t ring true to me. Besides theories are great BUT what I needed was practical solutions to get my ex girl back, and I needed them fast. Time was slipping by and I thought Kim was gone for good. I tried a few more guides, hope seemed to be fading, this just wasn't going to work and I was going crazy in the process.

Eventually, I found something that worked.

Having spent so much time, money and energy desperately trying to succeed with information products, and so-called “guru” relationship and break-up advice that ultimately had done next to nothing to bring Kim back to me, I was at the end of my tether, drinking too much and slipping into despair. All the “Get Your Ex Girl Back” guides just told you to “not to contact your ex for 30 days…and during that 30 days work on yourself” … and not much else … just loads of fluff or theories … I was crying out for some practical help …

Thankfully, and almost by coincidence, a long time climbing friend called and I poured out my heart, how, why, I don’t know ... I just needed so badly to get my ex girl back … must be that “secret” known as the law of attraction … but it turned out a lady friend of his called Cheryl had recently gone through similar heartache and in her plight she came across a guy named T W Jackson, from Arkansas …. who it turned out had helped over 6000 people with relationship issues in numerous countries … at last some hope. My firend said if anything could help me get my ex girl 'Kim' back ... this is it ...

So the next thing I tried was called the 'Magic of Making Up'.

I had never heard of it before and because of my recent experiences, I was initially a little dubious. But after reading some extremely complimentary reviews and very strong testimonials I spoke to Cheryl myself. She totally convinced me the guide was full of practical steps and would really make a difference … she really believed that T Dub could help me get my ex girl back ... and the cost was low compared to the other things I’d tried, so I decided to give it a shot.

In fact, Cheryl was so pleased with the results and how much it had helped her to save her relationship, she has written to T Dub (as she now calls him) giving her thanks and praising him for the quality of the information .. Here’s an excerpt:

I am happy to report that my Ex and I are now happily back together. I have to say it was effortlessly done! I thank you for all of your great information.


Click Here To See More Testimonials and ‘T Dub’ in Action

What seemed to be so different with this program was that a major consideration was what to do straight away, how and why you should not panic AND an incredible plan known as “The FAST FORWARD Technique” …. Which works for lots of other things too … it also concentrates on health and having fun, although more importantly (obviously!) I discovered an almost unbelievable strategy to winning back my ex-girlfriend using totally ethical non-manipulative techniques.

Here's why I recommend it.

The reason why I recommend the 'Magic of Making Up' is because I followed T Dub’s plan for a matter of days and the results were almost unbelievable. 

I tried using one of the main techniques taught and to my surprise Kim actually stopped avoiding me and we even met up for lunch after that (T Dub explains how and why to do that in the book). Now I must warn you … T Dub’s advice and methods are VERY unconventional and although T Dub states on his website that “it will be easy as pie because it will seem so natural”, personally I had to really go over the practical steps several times and practice them and it did take me three weeks to get Kim back. The best thing is that I didn't have to appear to be trying too hard and T Dub’s "psychological judo" known as “The Instant Reconnect Technique “ is so potent my Ex-Girlfriend Kim was soon desperate to get me back with me, which I'm sure you'll agree is pretty astonishing. 

Click Here To See A Video Where ‘T Dub’ Explains

‘The Very First Step You Should Take to Get Your Ex Girl Back’
I particularly liked the 'reinvention' technique. Follow that plan and you’ll be transformed into a ‘new’ person. Okay … maybe not really … but new enough to arouse the interest of your ex-girlfriend. You'll be brimming with confidence such that you'll have your ex thinking they’ve made the gaffe of the century.

Now here’s the kicker, since we’ve been back together, not only are we happier than ever, our sex life is incredible … and we are now happily engaged and planning the wedding … all thanks to T Dub … you rock man!

In my opinion, this guide is way more superior and far more effective than any of the other products I tried. Obviously every situation s different but it has worked extremely well for me. The guide caters for both sexes and almost any situation. It has helped me (and now Kim) with diet, health and our sex life.  Furthermore I am finding that I can use “The FAST FORWARD Technique” to overcome many other challenges. 

You don't need to do anything other than follow the clear step-by-step plan laid out by T Dub … he breaks it down into these stages:

1. Understand

2. Get your head on straight

3. Assess

4. Work the Plan

Nothing complicated, but each step brings you closer to the goal of getting your ex-girlfriend back. This guide focuses on practical strategies, techniques, AND action steps to getting your ex back - and doing it fast. It helped me to get my ex girl back in three weeks ...

Anyway, I hope you've found this information useful whatever your situation because if I had known about 'Magic of Making Up'. a few months back, I would have gained Kim back much more quickly, without wasting my time and money with all these other things. I wish you every success!


Geoff Barnes

Click Here For More Information on “The Magic of Making Up” and 'How To Get My Ex Girl Back'